Thursday, February 9, 2012

This Basement Girl Wants To Sing The Blues

Since November I've been spending a heck of a lot of time below ground. I'm renting a small basement room at a juggling shop on Zossenerstrasse in Berlin-Kreuzberg where I've set up a photo studio for my vintage clothing shop, Curious Knopf. I also can store the clothes there as well as jewelry, photostones and other doo dads from Augenblickphoto which has made it easy to go to craft shows.

LinkYes, I have gotten more serious about this online business thing and I'd be loving it except, well, my sales are in the toilet these days. But then it is February. Maybe people are simply too cold to shop. I have a contract for the room until next fall and I still teach some for extra cash so there's nothing left to do but keep on trucking.

What I'm more disappointed about is singing, or rather, the lack of it. Marcio has been gone for over 9 months but every time I've tried to set up another music project with someone else it's just been bust after bust after bust. Isn't there anyone in Berlin who wants to work together on some songs that are a little bit jazz, a little bit blues and a little bit old school country? If so, what are you waiting for? Drop me a line. :)

A few videos of songs I would love to work on for your listening pleasure:


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