Ever since the guitarist I was working with for a while moved back to Brazil I've been looking for someone to make music with, but it just is no easy task. Is there anyone in Berlin who doesn't write electronic music? (By the way, do they still call techno "Euro trash" in the U.S.? Sure hope so. I'm sorry, but I hate that crap....) In my frustration I realized why not write my own songs. I found
Audacity online, found
Looperman for samples and, hell, I've got a dictaphone. Why do I have to loose? ;) As expected, the quality isn't exactly the best, but it's still been fun. Here are a few little videos I made for three of my songs.
This first one I wrote about someone I had a dream about recently (and no, I ain't saying who ;) )
This one I wrote for
And this one I wrote for my husband, Jasper (some of the images remind me of when we first got together.)
If you want to hear more, click
here to visit my page on Soundcloud.
xoxo, Rebeccah