Monday, August 31, 2009

Further Proof That My Camera Is Smarter Than I Am

So here's my advice to any other would-be photographers such as myself out there: Put your camera on the ground. The idea came to me in a funny way actually. One morning I was chasing after Lilly when suddenly I wondered what it is she actually sees when she's crawling around. Duh, I thought. Your camera can tell you. I put my camera on the floor, shot some pictures and here is what I got:

Look how huge those toys look! And the electrical outlets are also so enticingly strange and within reach (Opps. They actually aren't in this picture and I erased the other one. They are to the left of the pipes and, trust me, they look oh-so-enticing!) No wonder babies always go for them....Anyway, a couple of days later (Sunday to be exact) we took another trip out to Sakrow (if you are
new to this blog, you can read an earlier post about the history and loveliness of the Heilandskirche in Sakrow here). When we reached the church I thought, "Hey, why not put the camera on the ground again just for fun?" Here is what I got:

I really love the change in perspective. So many pictures are taken at full height, why not mess with it a little? What I found really amazing were how many things I managed to capture without even meaning to.

I basically just put the camera on the ground and pressed the button without thinking, but I somehow managed to capture this couple in a tight embrace, looking off into the distance and walking away with the woman looking in my direction (probably thinking, what is that freakish woman doing with her camera on the ground??) I couldn't have planned it better. Further proof that my camera is, indeed, smarter than I am!