Sunday, August 23, 2009

Photograph Pairs: Fleeting Summer Moments

Today it occurred to me that summer is soon coming to an end. Only one more week of August and then we will be moving into September. Fall may be slow to start, but start it will. Winter, alas, is also inevitable. I hate winter.....If I skiied or if the sun shined on occasion here between the months of November and March it would be ok, but I don't and it rarely does. Sigh....Still, I'm getting a little bit ahead of myself. And there were some great moments this summer. Here are some of them, paired together.

°°°At a jazz concert today on the lawn of the Jewish museum. Callused bare feet. Everyday intimacy on a cheap blanket laid out on the grass. These are the things of summer°°

°°°These puddles in the street because it rained so freaking much this summer but this picture of green because that's what all the waters brought us°°

°°°People on boots and people sunbathing and me taking pictures of them because, really, I am just a brazen peeping tom°°

°°°This picture of Bird with a goat because it always makes me smile and of Baby Li on the lawn because she's getting so big it's hard to believe°°

°°°A good photograph of Jasper is hard to come by because he usually prefers to be the man behind the camera, but I love this one. And my self-portraits of late have been so much softer than ever before and I can't say exactly why, but I like it°°

°°°These two pictures because all summer I kept seeing random blossoms on the sidewalk and, for some reason, I took a lot of photographs of water faucets but this one is my favorite°°


  1. Lovely, all are very summer moody. I especially like the shadows and stillness in the last pair.
