Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Skate Down Memory Lane...

So anyone who has ever read this blog has probably figured out by now that I like old stuff. The fact of the matter is, I'm slowly getting old myself: I'll be 36 in exactly 13 days. My husband laughs when I call myself old. He is nine years older than me and is proud that he plucked himself such a spring chicken. I don't really mind getting older (so far pretty moderate with the wrinkles and gray hairs...) but sometimes it does seem sort of surreal. In two years, my older sister will be forty. Where did all that time go?

Maybe it's my old age nostalgia (though I think I was already nostalgic at eight, so probably not...) but I was thrilled to see these "vintage" roller skates for sale on etsy because they are exactly the same pair I got for Christmas circa 1982. Oh what fun we had roller skating down grandma's driveway at West State Avenue in Phoenix. The skates are available here at Happy Day Vintage for $34, though I fear my old lady feet have long since outgrown them.

Still, if I d
o get some cool vintage skates in my size, it's good to know I could still visit my old haunt, Skate Country, where I spent many a sweltering Tucson summer afternoon skating around in circles between the years 1979 to 1984 (we moved to California in 84, a few days before my tenth birthday.) Skate Country, I don't know when or if I'll ever go to Arizona again, but somehow it's great to know you're still there....


  1. Those skates are great and certainly bring back the great skating day memories. I used to love skating with friends when I was younger. What a great time, though it seems (because it was) so long, long ago.

  2. The good news is you really never forget how. I love sometimes going with my siblings when I visit home. We're still all pretty good, though I continue to be a failure at backwards skate. :)
