Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ode To Hasenheide

What exactly is it I love about Hasenheide so much? Certainly it's not the drug dealers who haunt every entrance, though if you're not in the market for hashish they pretty much leave you alone. No, I think what I really love is that this park has room for just about everyone. Hipsters sit along side Lebanese families. Öko Muttis (Granola mommies) pack their babies in Kinder Caravans attached to the back of their bikes....

...there are children of all ages, including yipsters, my own word for young, student-y hipsters, the kind who are most likely to be wearing those terrible plastic frame 80s sunglasses, the guys with so much gel in their hair you wonder how many bugs they trap a day (yes, as you can see there is still a Berlin Fashion Police side of me lingering somewhere in the cattier side of my soul. ;) )

This being Neukölln (or at least partially) there are also plenty of those eccentric 50-something bachelors who like to wear lime green tank tops while cruising on their bikes to which they've added mirrors and an old ghetto blaster (always attached with several layers of duct tape), blasting Elvis or country music as they ride on by. I don't know why that neighborhood has so many strange old guys like that, but all I can say is viva la Neukölln!

Even the tres punky look of this bull in the new petting zoo is by no means out of place....

April was much kinder on us today, so we went for a leisurely stroll in the park with all these different mixes of people.

Miss Mia and Baby Li both waited very patiently...

...for daddy to return from the imbiss with.....

"hot dogs".


Of course, both Jasper and I busied ourselves with taking photographs....

...and having fun, but what else is new?

Eventually we headed for home, the babies and Jasper to Akku's for soccer and me home so I could write this blog post for you. Schönes Wochenende. :)


  1. Hello! I am SO glad you found my blog, because it enabled me to find yours! I just read your first page of posts and I have a feeling I'll be back later today to read back further. I love what you wrote about the yipsters and crazy old guys on their boombox bikes. And my new catchphrase will now be "April, April, der macht was er will," because I live in Michigan where it most certainly also applies!

    You are a fantastic writer and this is the very best kind of blog: a slice of life that I can experience only through reading it. Thank you.

    I love your Etsy shop, too!

  2. Hi Karen. Thanks so much for your sweet comment! I adore your etsy shop and just noticed today that you also have a blog connected to it. Glad I stopped by. :) Several of my close friends here in Berlin are Michigander expats, so they also tell me they know something about "weather". But to a California/Arizona girl like me it will always remain a(irritating) mystery no matter how long I live here!
