Saturday, May 1, 2010

Trigger Happy On A Saturday

There's not much in life that makes me feel happier than going for a long walk with my family when the weather is nice and my camera is around my neck. Photography is the perfect way to capture moments in a thousandth of a second; in this case, simple moments from everyday life that made me happy. Here are a few of them I captured today:

Urban macro shots. I take these obsessively. Rusted locks, broken down doors, crumbling walls....I don't really know why, but somehow they always speak to me.

I love that Miss Mia and Little Li got to blow their first dandelion seeds into the air today and that Miss Mia called them blow flowers (a direct translation of the German word, Pustenblumen). I also love that, up close, dandelions look almost like some eerie sea creature.

I loved running in an inevitable construction site because it reminded me that, in Berlin, das Leben ist immer eine Baustelle. Jasper and I tried, but for the life of us we could not remember what once stood there.

I love the fresh green of the leaves and these delicate white blossoms because spring is a time to bloom and burst from that long, lethargic winter slumber.

I love the retro Alpine Kitsch of the Almdudler logo. Almdudler is an herbal soft drink from Austria which is refreshing and delicious. For a long time you could only buy it at Austrian restaurants, but this billboard seems to promise that soon it might catch on other places.

I loved stumbling across the Max Taut Bau and peeking in the windows because he is one of my favorite architects hands down.

I loved that it's always still so great to come home. Schönes Wochenende. :)


  1. They are great!! Did you use a Leica to take them??

  2. Thanks Angela! I wish I had taken them with a Leica. It would be so cool to have one. But my camera is a regular old Canon, but one with a cool Macro lens I love. :)

  3. Gorgeous pics! I love the urban macro shots.
