Thursday, September 23, 2010

Duo Under Way Plus Thank You YouTube

So yesterday my guitarist Marcio and I spent 4 and a half hours in a recording studio recording 3 songs. The studio was in the basement of a very nice English guy's house way the heck out in Kleinmachnow, a suburban area to the south of Zehlendorf. We were both pretty exhausted at the end but we're pleased with the results. We'll put together a MySpace page and then go out into the town and try and get ourselves some gigs. Today I spent a while browsing through YouTube for some new material. God, I love YouTube. I've made the greatest discoveries on there. One of the songs we recorded was Cucurrucucu Paloma. I apologize in advance to any Spanish speakers out there as I'm sure my Spanish is just atrocious. If it makes you feel any better, I learned it by listening to Pedro Infante:

The Cary Grant of Mexico, Pedro Infante was another YouTube discovery I made. I love all the old 50s movie clips with him singing and the Mexican beauties swooning at his feet. Of course, our version took out the mariachi and is closer to the version sung by Caetano Valoso:

I also would like to record another traditional Mexican song, sung here by the lovely Lila Downs who I discovered on- you guessed it- YouTube:

I also would love to sing a song by Roger Miller. Everybody knows King of the Road, but Miller wrote so many other amazing songs. Truly one of the greatest singer-song writers ever. I have to talk to Marcio about it, but I think I'd love to do Shame Bird:

While we're on the subject of country and self-pity, I would really love to sing There Stands the Glass, sung here is a less-twangy-than-usual version by Ted Hawkins:

And, last but not least, some fabulous gospel. Here is Dianne Strong singing Wade In the Water:

Anyway, I'll keep you posted when we have our MySpace site up so you can have a listen. :)

1 comment:

  1. i agree,roger miller is (was?) such a great songwriter. ted hawkins has a nice voice. looking forward to your myspace page.
