Friday, November 12, 2010

Taking Pictures

I haven't been doing any singing really since before I left for California in late September. When I got back, Marcio (the guitarist) was in Brazil. He got back on the 4th November but we finally managed to meet up for the first time today. Both of us were a little rusty, but it was good to get back in it.

At the end we took these photographs in the stairwell of my apartment building. I love the warm gray color there not to mention the fabulous natural light. Our landlady is a super anal doctor living in Switzerland who inherited the house (I think) from her grandmother. She can be a pain sometimes (and will probably be a nightmare if we ever decide to move...), but the plus side is she keeps the house (and stairwell) in beautiful condition.

I use the light in the stairwell all the time to take photographs for my shop. Nice to use it now for a different reason. I'll be setting up the MySpace page with the songs we recorded and some of these pictures later this week (and then posting it here of course. ;) ) My favorite picture is the first one because it's just a cool photograph. We'll probably choose another one, but I'm not sure which one I like best. I'm leaning towards the second I think....Anyway, it would be great to hear which one is your favorite. Vielen Dank und bis bald!


  1. the first is very good, but i like the last one better, because you're looking at your audience.

  2. Oh these are fabulous photos! I love the first and last the best.

  3. I also like both the first and the last a lot, but of the 2 prefer the first--it just looks more dreamy.
