Friday, February 12, 2010

Lipstick Is My Exclamation Point

I guess you could describe my style as "Retro Light." I wear a lot of vintage clothing, but I've never really gone 100% for a certain "look." Recently, I've decided to take the plunge as far as make-up goes and try for a true 1940s look. I love the no-nonsense glamour of the era and also that they were heavy on the eyebrows (it would be a shame to shave away or over pluck my Brooke Shields-esque brows....)

Good thing YouTube has lots of instructional make-up tutorials from the 40s like this one:

Now I know to avoid the overpowdered look and that nothing would date me like too much rogue. I'm not sure if I'll be able to find any vanishing cream, but if I do I will make sure to blend it into super smoothness.

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