Spring has finally arrived in Berlin which means me and the girls get to spend time hanging out in the Hof again.
Hof is the German word for courtyard and ours, luckily, has a sandbox filled with toys from the two small pre-schools on the ground floor. Look at my neighbors bikes there in the corner. I have not lived abroad so long that I don’t know how deliciously European they look together.
Less appealing are the trash cans a mere few feet from the sandbox. I’ve decided to block out how kind-of gross that is…On a lazy afternoon, these few feet of sand can be quite the godsend.
Check out Baby Li’s bad ass cowboy boots.
Like daughter, like mother.
Miss Mia is personally more into Princess Crowns these days. We went on a princess crown run today to Deko Behrendt, an amazing, old school Berlin costume and party supply shop in Schoeneberg.
I knew they would have princess crowns there, but I wasn’t quite prepared for HOW MANY they would have. Seriously, at least 35 different varieties in all sort of color combinations, length of feathers, degree of sequins, etc. Go Deko Behrendt! Luckily for Mia Lilly lost interest in hers in about 5 minutes which meant she could wear both, creating one mother of a princess crown.
But I digress. I started this post to write about an old and dear friend’s new shop, A Fool For Spool. She sells hand-painted spool and knitting dolls there. I was the fortunate first customer and got my doll, Rich Relation, in the mail a couple of weeks ago.
Here she is, hanging out in front of a traditional German Osterbaum…
Ok, so it’s actually a living Christmas tree one of our neighbors didn’t have the heart to throw away which we recently decorated with plastic Easter eggs we got from the drugstore. Mia is pretty proud of it.
As for my Rich Relation, she is oh-so-proper and very well painted. She also dealt well with the fact that Lilly calls her “Humpty Dumpty”….
And yet she always comes out looking this good. Hoorah! Thanks Janet. You are so talented. :)
awesome crowns. nice boots. yea spring!
Thanks. :)
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