Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Do Not Steal

While I do agree with this grafitti in principle, I do wish that I could steal a camera. Mine broke mysteriously on Saturday. The lens just goes in and out three times and then it says PLEASE TURN OFF CAMERA on the monitor. I took it to a repair shop, but they said since it is a U.S. model, it is unlikely that they will have the parts to fix it. That camera was my little buddy. What will my blog be without it? What I would like most of all is to steal a nice SLR camera worth at least 600 Euros (too broke these days to actually buy one...) Shucks, I would also easily settle for my little lumix to get over her problems. Unfortunately, neither one is going to happen...


wide open spaces said...

Friend, I hear you. My nice camera just broke and my blog & I are suffering tremendously. Theft has crossed my mind. A fancy Nikon, please.

Schaufensterbabe said...

Maybe we should hold a heist together. :)


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